
报告题目:Experimentally Probing Topological Order and Its Breakdown via Modular Matrices


报告人:万义顿 (复旦大学 教授)



内容摘要: The modern conception of phases of matter has undergone tremendous developments since the first observation of topologically ordered states in fractional quantum Hall systems in the 1980s. In this paper, we explore the question: In principle, how much detail of the physics of topological orders can be observed using state of the art technologies? We find that using surprisingly little data, namely the toric code Hamiltonian in the presence of generic disorders and detuning from its exactly solvable point, the modular matrices -- characterizing anyonic statistics that are some of the most fundamental fingerprints of topological orders -- can be reconstructed with very good accuracy solely by experimental means. This is a first experimental realization of these fundamental signatures of a topological order, a test of their robustness against perturbations, and a proof of principle -- that current technologies have attained the precision to identify phases of matter and, as such, probe an extended region of phase space around the soluble point before its breakdown. Given the special role of anyonic statistics in quantum computation, our work promises myriad applications in both probing and realistically harnessing these exotic phases of matter.

报告人简介: Prof. Yidun Wan did his undergraduate studies in both computer science and economics at the South China University of Science and Technology. Having worked for more than two years since then, he then continued his graduate studies in Computer Science at the University of Pennsylvania. His love of physics drove him to switch to physics after he got his Master’s degree in computer science. He first did fiber optics and obtained a Master’s degree in Physics at the University of Ottawa, after which he moved to the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and the University of Waterloo for PhD in theoretical physics (quantum gravity). From 2009 to 2013, he was a postdoc in Japan (Kinki University and the University of Tokyo) and pursued research in quantum control and quantum computation there. He moved back to the Perimeter Institute in 2013 as a postdoc in condensed matter theories. In 2015, he was appointed a professor at Fudan University. He was awarded the Shanghai Pujiang Scholar in 2017. He is not only a theoretician but also a theoretician who works closely with experimentalists to apply and advance theories.


Zhihuang Luo, Jun Li, Zhaokai Li, Ling-Yan Hung, Yidun Wan, Xinhua Peng, Jiangfeng Du, Experimentally Probing Topological Order and Its Breakdown via Modular Matrices, arXiv:1608.06978, Nature Physics doi:10.1038/nphys4281