
1.报告题目:Massive Multiple-Access for 5G IoT

报告摘要:  Future 5G IoT networks are expected to be the ultra-dense wireless networks aiming at provid-ing a wide-range of services, from high-rate continuous applications to low-rate sporadic short-burst services. Motivat-ing to provide sporadic short-burst IoT traffic of requiring massive connectivity, the radio access techniques based on the traditional multiple-access schemes used, such as, in LTE/LTE-A, are inefficient, due to the resultant high overhead ratio or/and their infeasiblity of supporting massive connectivity. Therefore, in this talk, we first address the main chall-enges of radio access in 5G massive IoT networks. Then, aiming for massive connectivity or/and  overhead ratio redu-ction, the problems and technical solutions for both granted and grant-free massive access are explored based on our recent research. A range of multiple-access and detection schemes that are suitable for operation in heavily loaded IoT systems will be discussed. We compare their advantages, disadvantages and challenges, when practical implemen-tation issues are considered. The talk will be concluded with discussing some open problems for future research.




邀请人:张涵教授 穆丽伟副教授


杨列亮(Lie-Liang Yang)教授简历:

   Lie-Liang Yang received his M.Eng and Ph.D degrees in communications and electronics from Northern (Beijing) Jiaotong University, Beijing, China in 1991 and 1997, respectively, and his B.Eng degree in communications engineering from Shanghai Tiedao University, Shanghai, China in 1988. Additionally, he received a Postgraduate Certificate in Education from University of Southampton,Southampton, UK in 2005.

   From June 1997 to December 1997 he was a visiting scientist to the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Since December 1997, he has been with the School of Electronics and Computer Science, Uni-versity of Southampton, UK, where he was first a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Dec. 1997 - Aug. 2002), then a Lecturer (Sept. 2002 - Feb. 2006), then a Reader (Mar. 2006 - June 2010) and has been the Professor of Wireless Communications since June 2010. He has research interest in a range of areas in wireless communications, wireless networks and signal processing for wireless com-munications, as well as molecular and nano communications. He published 300+ research papers, which incl-ude 130+ journal pa-pers and 200+ conference papers. He authored one book entitled Multicarrier Communications, which was published by John Wi-ley & Sons. This book was also translated into Chinese and publi-shed by the Publishing House of Electronic Industry of China. He coauthored two books entitled Single- and Multi-Carrier DS-CDMA - Multiuser Detection, Space-Time Spreading, Synchroniza-tion and Standards and Near-Capacity Variable-Length Coding, respectively, both of which were jointly published by John Wiley & Sons and IEEE Press. Additionally, he published 10+ book chapters.

   Prof. Yang is a Fellow of the IEEE in the USA, and a Fellow of the IET (previously IEE) in the UK. He is a Distinguished Lec-turer of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society. He acted as TPC/symposium/area/track/workshop chairs for various con-ferences and was involved in the teams of Technical Programme Committees (TPC) of many conferences. He served as an ass-ociate editor to the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), etc., and he is currently an associate editor to the IEEE Access and the Security and Communication Networks (SCN) Journal. He was/is one of the guest edi-tors for the special issues in: IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (2013), IEEE Wireless Comm-unication Maga-zine (2013), IEEE Communication Magazine (2014), IEEE Systems Journal (2015), EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communica-tions and Networking (2011).





报告时间:2018112日 上午1100


邀请人:张涵教授 穆丽伟副教授




近年来部分论著 Recent publications

[1] Xingcheng Liu, Chunlei Fan, Xuechen Chen, Dynamic Scheduling Decoding of LDPC Codes Based on Tabu Search, IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2017. (Click here for PDF).

[2] Xingcheng Liu, Xingcheng Liu, Wei Li, Feng Han, and Yi Xie, An Optimization Scheme of Enhanced Adaptive Dynamic Energy Consumption Based on Joint Network-Channel Coding in WSNs, IEEE Sensors Journal, September 2017. SCI indexed. (Click here for PDF). SCI Indexed.

[3] Xingcheng Liu, Zhenzhu Zhou, Ru Cui, Erwu Liu, Informed Decoding Algorithms of LDPC Codes Based on Dynamic Selection Strategy, IEEE Transactions on Communications, April 2016. (Click here for PDF). SCI Indexed.

[4]   Xingcheng LiuNandi Xiong, Wei Li, Yi Xie, An Optimization Scheme of Adaptive Dynamic Energy Consumption Based on Joint Network-Channel Coding in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2015. (Click here for PDF). SCI Indexed.

[5]   Xingcheng Liu, Feng Xiong, Zhenzhu Zhou, Y. Yin, and Lin Zhang, Construction of QC LDPC Cycle Codes over GF(q) Based on Cycle Entropy and Applications on Patterned Media Storage, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2015. (Click here for PDF). SCI Indexed.

[6]   Xingcheng LiuChulong Liang, Yuanbin Zhang, and Lin Zhang, Decoding of Non-binary LDPC Codes Based on the Genetic Algorithm and Applications over Mobile Fading Channels, IET Communications, Jun. 2015. (Click here for PDF). SCI Indexed.