20190515 南京航空航天大学陈伟教授学术报告会信息


报告题目: Topological Phase Transition and Transport in Nodal Line Semimetal

报告人:陈伟 南京航空航天大学教授

报告时间:2019515  上午10:00




Topological nodal line semimetals (NLSs) are characterized by the crossing of the conduction and valence bands along closed loops in the Brillouin zone, which carries a π Berry flux. The topological property of the bulk states results in unique drumhead-like surface states. In this talk, I will present our recent work on new topological phase and quantum transport in NLSs. I will first show that electron-electron interaction in the NLS with two drumhead-like surface states can drive the surface states into a surface Chern insulator. Then I will discuss interesting transport results of both the surface and bulk states of the NLSs. The surface states in a spin-orbit coupled NLS exhibit spin polarization and can induce resonant spin-flipped reflection, which provides a unique evidence of the surface states. For the bulk states, we find that the torus-shaped Fermi surface and encircled π Berry flux carried by the nodal loop result in a fascinating interplay between the effective dimensionality of electron diffusion and band topology, which may lead to 3D weak localization effect or 2D weak antilocalization effect.



[1] Wei Chen, Kun Luo, Lin Li, and Oded Zilberberg, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 166802 (2018).

[2] Wei Chen and J. L. Lado, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 016803 (2019).

[3] Wei Chen, Hai-Zhou Lu, Oded Zilberberg, arXiv:1902.06921 (PRL accepted)



